Welcome to our extensive image library, brimming with the finest fairy and fantasy art by modern artists. Each image is offered here for use as a tattoo for a low, one time usage fee. Here you may browse for your perfect tattoo, then purchase rights to use this image on your body. With your purchase, we'll send you a legal permission letter and a clear, high resolution print out of the image you've chosen. You can then take this permission letter and image into your local tattoo parlor.
We've gathered together the finest fantasy and fairy artists in one location, and have signed licensed contracts with each artist. A generous 100% of the profits go direct to the artist who created the piece, so you can rest assured that the original creator of the piece you love enough to make a permanent part of you, gets compensated fairly for their design and no middle man is taking any of the profit.
You may use our side bar to browse our extensive collection. The first section offers you our collection by artist. The section below that offers these same images sorted by image theme.
We hope you find that perfect image for your body. Don't forget to e-mail us photos of your finished ink...we're working on a photo gallery.
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