During small, I liked to buy available chewing gum the bonus tato him. I also did not know, why did I really like the bonus tato that. I also asked the father. “Bapak had had tato or not? ” Saya asked the father because of being curious, had tato that mengasikan? Not long after that, the father approached me and said. “Dek, Sir had tato. Immediately still was how come. ” Saya felt strange. Because Sir had never informed I if Sir had tato. “Bapak tato him illustrated what? ” “Bunga deck roses. Dibagian low left and right arms. But that grew just his root the deck.
Did not know why I believed in the father's conversation. “Pak, his roses when growing? ” “Wah, his roses grew still old the Deck. ” Lalu I thought, really if want to had tato roses must wait grew first. “Ya already, Sir poured his roses root, although tumbu him was fast. ” Tiba-tiba Sir cengengesan. Then I asked the mother. “Bu, emang Sir had tato roses. Continued, emang that grew just his root then? “Ka you believed really was the same the father. Gak possibly Sir had tato roses. ” Saya was increasingly surprised. “Emang Sir had tato roses beneran? ” “Kalau you were curious, was waiting big later yes. ” Kata Sir. ” Mr, emang his intention just grew his root that what? ” Lalu the father said while kept laughed and lifted his upper arm. ” Ini……… Bulu ketek!
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